
Orthodontic Postdoctoral Program | Graduate

Department of Orthodontics

The Department of Orthodontics at Howard University College of Dentistry instructs our pre-doctoral dental and dental hygiene students, and postdoctoral residents in the didactic and clinical recognition and treatment of malocclusions. The department is proud to provide an opportunity for the best in orthodontic care at minimal costs to the surrounding communities.

The Postdoctoral Orthodontics program at Howard University College of Dentistry has been in existence since 1967 and has graduated more than 200 practicing orthodontists. The program in Orthodontics is a two year program beginning in July of each year with the fundamental goal to provide the postdoctoral resident with the necessary diagnostic and clinical skills to recognize, diagnose and treat malocclusions.  We are a clinically based program with each resident treating over 100 cases.  Our residents are exposed to a variety of orthodontic techniques utilizing various straight wire appliances. The program is designed to meet the requirements of the Council on Dental Education of the American Dental Association, the American Board of Orthodontics and the American Association of Orthodontists.

The curriculum is designed to present the theory and practice of orthodontic treatment encompassing the major systems of mechanotherapy.  Basic and related sciences fundamental to orthodontics are stressed and presented on a postdoctoral level. The emphasis in this program is placed on the total educational experience for the resident. Completed cases are presented in the American Board of Orthodontics format at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting.  Over the past 20 years, our senior residents have been encouraged to take the Phase II Written Examination, which is held just prior to this meeting.  Our pass rate for this examination is better than 95%.

Our residents are required to conduct an original research project, orally present it to faculty, administrators and peers, use a thesis format for completing the paper, and finally, edit the paper in publishable format.

Howard University College of Dentistry Department of Orthodontics provides an education of exceptional quality to qualified individuals, with particular emphasis on recruiting promising underrepresented students. The College is dedicated to maintaining a humanistic environment while attracting, sustaining and developing a cadre of faculty who, through teaching, research and service, is committed to producing distinguished, compassionate, and culturally sensitive graduates. Furthermore, the College is dedicated to providing high quality oral health care to our patients and improving the quality of oral health in our local, national, and global communities, while advocating for the elimination of health disparities.

Admission Requirements - An Applicant:

  1. Must be a graduate of an accredited dental school; 
  2. Must have passed Part I and Part II of the National Dental Boards; 
  3. Must possess at least a 3.0 average in dental school; 
  4. Must demonstrate proficiency in the English language evidenced by the TOEFL and mastery of concepts of procedures, which are basic to the practice of dentistry, if the applicant possesses a foreign dental degree.
  5. A 2x2 photo is required, if not available through the PASS application, then it should be sent to:


To complete an online application, contact PASS (Postdoctoral Application Support Service) at www.adea.org.  Deadline and details for completion of the PASS application are found on the ADEA website, typically by September 1st. Applications completed after the deadline will not be considered. The PASS website has all supplemental submissions requirements.

This postdoctoral program also participates in the National Matching Service and all positions are offered through the Postdoctoral Dental Matching Program. Applicants are required to register for the MATCH. More information can be obtained by contacting:

National Matching Services, Inc.
595 Bay Street
Suite 301, Box 29
Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 2C2
416 977-3431 (telephone)
416 977-5020 (Fax)

Program Director and Interim Chair 
Kathy L. Marshall, D.D.S.
Program Director, Department of Orthodontics 
Howard University College of Dentistry
600 "W" Street, NW, Suite 208, Washington, DC 20059

If you have questions, please contact: 
the program director Dr. Kathy Marshall (K_Marshall@howard.edu),
or the administrative coordinator Ms. Lauren Warner (lauren.warner@howard.edu).

Program Details

  • Degree Classification: Graduate
  • Program Frequency: Full-Time
  • Format: In Person

Admission Requirements

  • Must be a graduate of an accredited dental school; 
  • Must have passed the National Dental Boards; 
  • Must possess at least a 3.0 average in dental school; 
  • Must demonstrate proficiency in the English language evidenced by the TOEFL and mastery of concepts of procedures, which are basic to the practice of dentistry, if the applicant possesses a foreign dental degree.

Caution to Prospective Students

The Board of Trustees of Howard University on September 24, 1983, adopted the following policy statement regarding applications for admission: "Applicants seeking admission to Howard University are required to submit accurate and complete credentials and accurate and complete information requested by the University. Applicants who fail to do so shall be denied admission. Enrolled students who as applicants failed to submit accurate and complete credentials or accurate and complete information on their application for admission shall be subject to dismissal when the same is made known, regardless of classification."